About fyre


A rowdy, blessed day to you, traveler!

Stories of a warrior, dreaming.

Welcome to my 3 Worlds!

  • My Dream Life
  • My First Life
  • My Second Life

This sanctuary is born of my dreaming and it welcomes all dream warriors, freedom fighters, explorers from anywhere and everywhere in this infinite universe!

Who is This Wild Woman They Call “fyre?”

I am the creator of MY experience and I’m the subject matter for this entire sanctuary.

I’ve spent my entire life until this juncture putting anyone and anything before my own deepest wishes for myself and my connection to the universe.

What kept me at Bay for so long was my fear of stepping into my own power. My own unrelenting sadness and, despair about the evils and intentional wrong-doings that rip through this plane of existence unfettered, has felt like a dagger in my back since as long as I can remember.

The Work I Do for MYSELF is My Best Work

I cannot be the best human I need to be for the universe and everything and everyone in it, unless, I’m my finest…my highest self, with ME first!

I’m A Dream Warrior

A dream warrior is what I’ve become out of sheer need to bring balance to one of the places that gifts me much needed peace and joy when all else fails to do so.

Being in dreaming, actively has taught me so much and it never stops the lessons.

I’m long overdue and right on time to begin teaching others to get acquainted with their OWN dream warrior selves, do you agree?!

I Learned How to Lucid Dream

Just freshly graduated from High School and ready to explore ALL the worlds available to me I was handed a series of books that changed the course of my life.

My dreams up until that year had been a huge part of my life.

A Gorgeous Part and a Terrifying Part

Sure, I had mundane dreams. Like we do. For the most part though, my dreams were either gorgeously wild, unfettered and flying or, the polar opposite.

My nightmares were so terrifying that if nightmares had nightmares, mine would have suited, in spades.

Even in my teens and, even through the night terrors, I had always considered my dreaming to be a gift. A gift because, I hadn’t met anyone up to that point that dreamed quite like I did or, if they did, they didn’t have the meticulous dream recall I did. I felt rather alone in that.

I Still Remember My First Lucid Dream

It wasn’t wild or indulgent. It was warm and simple and to this day it remains one of the most consequential dreams in my entire existence on this planet we call Earth. (My 1st Lucid Dream)

Dreaming, has been and will continue to be, an entire life of learning for me. I’m not easily surprised and sometimes I’m still astonished at the movements and lessons of my dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming Abolished My Nightmares Forever!

Yes, you read that right. Just shy of 2 decades of gruesome nightmares, I learned a tool well enough that it wiped out true (for me) nightmares in my sleep, forever!

To be fair to myself and anyone reading, it’s so excruciatingly difficult to convey what that meant to me into words that anyone could truly understand. So much so, I thought I’d better dedicate an entire website to dreaming ALL my worlds so I could explain things in a bit more depth.

If you have terribly trying nightmares or worse and you just visualized what it’d be like to neVer have them again… you’re in the right place.

You Deserve Deep Rest noT Deep Nightmares

Helping people abolish their own nightmares in their OWN time is something I feel is more of a duty than a talent.

The world can be scary enough through no fault of your own.

I will spend the rest of my life putting that tool in as many toolbelts as I can!

I have been dreaming of this day, seemingly, as I recapitulate, my entire life! There has been a storm brewing inside of me since the day I was conceived (thanks Momma and Pop!)  

What’s important is that I found a balance that brought me to where I am now.  A place where I can be me with no excuses, no apologies of who I am, and truly, for the most part, have always been.

This space I have created is all about me and the lessons I have learned. This place is a platform for my continuing journey.  I will always be a student.  I revel in this fact.

I Never Give Up!

I never called it quits on anything but, that of which was not serving me. Every time I said “can’t” I had a family, friends, …who I call “Tribe,” at my back.

They, at every turn, believed in me, in no uncertain terms, at times (too many times), way more than I believed in myself.

It’s because of my tenacious will and this strong tribe of “Do-gooders” that you are reading these words today.  Give great thanks for those “Do-Gooders” in your life my friends.

They will make you laugh it out, sing it out, cry…wale it out!  They will make you shout it out, chant it out and if you have the tribe I do….they will make you dance it out alongside them!

I used to teach kids gymnastics.  I had a motto that was passed down to me to use when I heard a youngin’ utter any version of “but, I cannn’t.”  

I would rally the rest of the class with “Ohhh, someone just said the “C” word!”  Then, I would muster my best boisterous, yet sincere, preacher voice and let this rip: “What’s our motto team?!”  My class would respond with….

*Insert extremely dramatic hand gestures and random jumps and body contortions by my tiny team and myself here*

“I cannnnnnnn, I willlllllll, I belieeeeeeve!”

This, most times, was repeated 3 times for effect or, until riotous laughter ensued.

3 seemed to be the magic number for all the kids on our team to be all smiles and giggles.

Maybe, more importantly for this conversation’s purposes. it often was a long time team member who needed to be reminded of their worth and, to be reminded that WE ARE ALL CONNECTED, even in our beautiful individuality that may need a little push along with an injection of hilarity sometimes.

We are all a part of this gorgeous web of life.

I am at a loss to express to you enough how this lesson has saved me with smiles during my life since then.


I Never Knew What I Really Wanted!?

Some people know from a young age exactly what career path they wanted for themselves. That wasn’t my reality but,  I now have more definitive answers to what I really want/desire.  It just took a long time to get here.

I always had somewhat abstract visions in mind.  Mostly abstract to others of what it was I truly wanted.  What I had was a feeling that I could not seem to put into words.

I remember, when I believe I was in my second semester of college (at leVel 36) a dear friend, in the midst of a rather heated conversation, asked: “What are you even in college for?!”

Honestly, it was a pretty valid question.  I mean, I was there to prove to myself that I could do something I never thought I could do.

I wanted to obtain my fitness specialist certification (which I did do) but, what I was going to do with that was a subject that left eternal questions in my mind.

So, I stopped stressing about it and just went on learning.  Then, it dawned on me one day that I just wanted to study what I was interested in, period, I didn’t have an end game.

In fact, when it came to “formal” education I was/still am a complete novice.

I walked into a meeting one day with a counselor in the DSPS (a students with learning disabilities program) and left with the knowledge that I had a dual major I was unaware of until that day.

Apparently, I was closer to a Spanish degree than I was to an exercise science degree.

If I hadn’t taken this leap into the unknown, I might never have discovered that it was pretty severe ADHD and this societies treatment of people who learn like I do, that was helping keep me on the proverbial hamster wheel. The hamster wheel of life AND the hamster wheel in my incredibly taxed brain.

I Stopped Beating Myself Up!

Luckily, I had a pretty spectacular life coach at the time. I absolutely didn’t ask for a life coach, it was an unexpected perk I received via DSPS (Disabled Students Programs and Services.)  I think the most valuable lesson I learned from her was to not beat myself up about stuff.

Checking myself daily for any shite talk I might let slip is a must.

I have always had an extensive amount of patience with others but, when it came to me I had very little tolerance for my faults.  Now, I make decisions based on my own shine’s desire.

I say this because I used to feel a bit of a shadow cast on me from my traditionally successful friends and family.

The self-deprecating thoughts were not (I know, thank you, Captain Obvious) helping my cause.

When I look back on the way I used to feel I’m just plain ridiculously grateful for the lengths I’ve grown. I still kept my general bright outlook on things or, I would have dragged myself down to a super dark place and worse, I might have stayed there.

I am taking every lesson from the people I admire and, are inspired by, and implemented the lessons I learned from them in my own way and

A lovely rainbow against a rain darkened backdrop and arching over a budding tree.

Now, I Know What I Want!

There are a few things that stand out to me in my 5 decades on planet earth.

  1. There are hu
  2. I want to continue writing about my experiences old and new and keep this interactive platform for sharing it all alive and well.
  3. I want to share the reverential way I will to edify the mentors/family/friends you read about above, the people I consider my tribe!
  4. I want to be forever a student!
  5. I want to succeed at levitation, in the physical sense and, I also wanted to see if you were still paying attention ;  )
  6. There is no guarantee of tomorrow so I strive to enjoy something immensely every single day.  I want everyone to find that special joy every day as well <3
  7. An integral part of me is helping other people in any way I can.  In fact, I’ve made helping others my business.  I always want this brand of love in my life!
Passport Love
The excitement is inexplicable!

If the Spirit Moves You Please Feel Free to Post Me a Note in the Comments Below!
This site is powered by Love and inspiration!
You are all a part of my inspiration and I am honored to read and respond to your comments always.

Have a blessed day, fyre

fyre Daydreaming the Verse at Cerridwen's Cauldron [CC] in Second Life.